he property was originally owned and occupied by Virgil Earp, the older brother of Wyatt Earp, and his wife, Allie, On the SW corner was the entrance to the First Extension of the Mountain Maid Mine. Virgil served as Tombstone Police Chief from 1879 to 1882. He was in authority before the shootout at the O. K. Corral. He deputized his brothers, Wyatt and Morgan, and Doc Holliday. After the killing of Morgan in March 1882, Virgil and Allie left Tombstone. The property was later sold to the McPherson family until Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. More, Jr. purchased the house and property in 1969. Mrs. More spent time and money on remodeling the house before using it as a vacation/second home until her death in 1987. Her son, Patrick More, inherited the property from his mother's estate.
In 1998 the house was burned as a result of vandalism. The fire was devastating to the owner and to the town of Tombstone because of its historical significance. The wood that remained was disassembled and put into storage. In 2003 Patrick deeded the property to his wife, Diane Dillard More, as her separate property.
In 2007, Diane More hired an architect and interior designer to begin plans for rebuilding the original structure with a new and modern bed and breakfast on the site of the Virgil Earp property. In June 2008, Virgil's Corner Bed & Breakfast LLC was formed. Mrs. More is the sole member of the LLC.
Mrs. More is currently working with the Small Business Development Center at Cochise College in Sierra Vista to develop this business plan.