The Tombstone Arizona Community Revival will be held on July 20-23 from 6PM to 8PM at the local Cowboy Church. It has changed location to 902 East Fremont, so be sure that you are heading to the right place. Come and hear Dwayne “Teddy Bear” Williams present praise and worship music and lift up God’s name. Hear locacl preachers from Tombstone preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and God’s Message for your life.
Two weeks until our next monthly Tombstone at Twilight.
August 8-10 is this years annual Vigilante Days. Get ready for some fun.
August 22, 2014 from 7:30AM to 2:30PM there is going to be a Cochise County Veteran Stand Down and Resource Fair at the VFW Post 9972 located at 549 Veterans Drive in Sierra Vista. Services will include pet care, benefits, hair cuts, legal, ministries, behavioral health, employment, job fair, housing, health care, showers, clothing, food and more. This event is open to homeless veterans and their immeadiate families and pets. They will be busing veterans to the location. To reserve a seat contact Ron Fruchey at 520-559-0248. If you are interested in volunteering you can email or call 520-226-6317 or 520-236-2844. For more information you can visit