The Tombstone Repertory Company presents “The Lone Stranger” or “Who was the Masked Man?” The show will be held at Sheffelin Hall Saturday, October 5th and 12th, starting at 7:00 PM and October 6th, 20th, and 27th starting at 3:00 PM. Adult tickets are $8 and kids are $5. For more information email
The October Fest dinner, which benefits the Tombstone Achieves, will be held on October 12,4PM to 7PM. It will be sponsored by the Foundation for the Tombstone Achieves, and held at Old Fire House Senior Center, 5th and Toughnut street. They will be serving German cucumber salad, potato salad, brought worst, desert, and a choice of drink. $15 per person. Tickets are available at the Tombstone Achieves. 601 E. Fremont Street.
The Singing Cowboy will be performing at the Grand Hotel on Saturday, October 12 at 7:00 PM.
Information For Members
October 12-14 is the Arizona State Wild Bunch Shooting Match out at the Tombstone Livery Stables. This is the first match of a month long competition. “Keeping our Western Heritage Alive”.
Wyatt Earp Vendetta Ride: October 13-18.
The Amerind Museum and Research Center is hosting the Trading Posts Tour on October 14-18. They will spend 5 days exploring northern Arizona and learning about historic Hopi and Navajo trading posts. They will visit with traditional Hopi traders and enjoy a Hopi meal. A half-day trip into Canyon de Chelly offers the opportunity to view a spectacular area with traditional Navajo farms and hogans, ruins, and pictographs framed by the brilliant fall colors of the canyon’s ancient cottonwood trees
84th Annual Helldorado Days. October 18-20
Border Town: October 24-27. This is the Live Action Shooting Arizona Championship. There will be vendors and food. The public is encouraged to attend.
Tombstone at Twilight is an event that happens on the 4th Saturday of the Month, October 26. There will be shopping, dining and a free gun show, provided by the Blood at Dusk gunfighters. There will be snacks for sale in the park, a clown and much more.
HALLOWEEN: The Halloween Howl will return once again on October 31, from dusk until everyone has had their fill of fun. The event is FREE. There is also going to be Halloween in the Park, which is going to be put on by the Tombstone Fire Department. Both events are sponsored by the Tombstone Lion’s Club.
Santa In Paws will be held on November 10th this year. Get a picture of your beloved pet with Santa. The event is going to be held at T. Miller Tombstone Mercantile from 10:00 AM-2:00 PM. Proceeds will be going to help the Tombstone Animal Shelter. For more information call (520) 457-2379 or (520) 559-0030.
On Friday, November 15, the Amerind Museum and Research Center will hold a Brown Bag Talk about “ Social Identity in Frontier and Borderland Communities of the North America Southwest.”.
The 8th Annual Tucson Ambassador Familiarization Event is going to be held on November 16-17 at Old Tucson. You will explore Tucson and Southern Arizona by getting to know attractions. There will be a 1/2 day tour and a trade show.
The Tombstone Chamber of Commerce, together with the Vigilantes, will be walking in the 55th Annual Christmas Lights Parade “Cowboy Christmas” in Sierra Vista on December 7th starting at 5:30PM. All entries must be illuminated, so come see us SHINE!